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3rd place: Where East Meets West
長度: 05:34, 瀏覽: 1436, 最近修訂: 2015-03-18
"Where East Meets West" is a musical depiction of life at National Chengchi University and the greater Taipei area. I wrote this song to convey my excitement to be here and study, as well as to expose viewers to a tantalizing view of all this experience has to offer. In particular, Taiwan resides at a cross-roads of greater East Asian regionalism and develpment; in fact, the internatonalization present on Zhenda's campus is a microcosm of the growing global focus on the upcoming "Asian Century". I hope this short film will stimulate viewers to consider the benefits of cross-cultural experience.


Verse 1:
When I was born you couldn't take a Chinese class.
All the schools offered only French and Spanish.
Now as I look on the covers of the magazines,
everybody's talking about the Asian Century.

It's not just fat Buddha ambassadors
It's manga, econ, and culture wars.
Globalization says we're on our way.
Where east meets west is where I'm gonna stay.

Verse 2:
My instincts say don't be afraid of what's to come.
The opportunities abound cannot be fathomed.
You must find a place where you can learn first hand.
I know a place that's nestled on a gorgeous island.

It's not just fat Buddha...
...Let's go to Zhenda at the edge of Taipei.
Where east meets west is just a dream away.

NCCU offers courses
both in English and in Mandarin.
My fellow foreign students hail from
nations all around the planet.
There's one Swiss and Czechs and British people,
folks from Germany,
South Africa, Mexico and Russia,
Peru, France and Turkey.
From experience in our homelands
we contribute to discussion.
With our Taiwanese classmates,
we enhance each class's function.
After class feel free to join in
student clubs and guest lectures.
Run the track or swim the pool;
foster all your new connections.
When it's time to get off campus,
there's a million options for you.
Let me take you to a night market
to try some stinky tofu.
We could see some street performers.
Scale the height of 101.
See the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial.
Think about how far we've come.

Verse 3:
My ambition's taking shape on Taiwan every day.
The Asian Century doesn't seem so far away.
And if you're aching to know more
I can tell you this:
What's happening here you won't want to miss.

It's not just fat Buddha...
...Internationalization says we're on our way.
I wanna be nowhere but at Taipei.
    2015-03-18 11:42:46
    2015-03-18 11:42:48